Post-Hospitalisation Care cares for patients who wish to recover from the comforts of their home, health recovery centers and geriatric facilities. This includes transportation from hospital, a private nurse to ensure a patient is settled, monitored, medication is dispensed and regularly visits the patient.
Post hospitalization services offered
- Acute and post-critical Inness care
- Terminal illness care
- Temporary/Permanent disability are
- Individual who prefer private home medicare
- Post-surgery patient care
- Pediatric services
- Other procedures such as; Wound care, Injections, Tracheostomy care, Nasogastric/peg tube feeding, Care of urinary catheters, Ostomy care, Oxygen administration and Respite care e.g. Alzaimers/severity
AVA provides different cadres of care givers to include;
- Qualified specialized nurses
- Doctors
- Occupational therapist
- Physical therapist
- Nurse assistant and caretakers
- Counselors
- Nutritionist